River Map & Rules
1. The Association shall be known as the Derwent Angling Association, Its object being the improvement, restocking and preservation of the river and the promotion of the art of angling.
2. The officers of the Association shall consist of President, Vice-President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, General Secretary and Membership Secretary, to be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.
3. The Committee shall consist of the elected officers plus ten members of the Association who shall have not less than three years membership and shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
4. The Committee shall have control of the affairs of the Association and the management of its funds and reserve the right to refuse or grant licences.
5. The Committee shall from time to time appoint six members of the Association as Trustees for the purpose of taking grant rights on behalf of the Association.
6. If, in taking such grants the Trustees shall at the request of the Committee enter into any covenants, the members shall indemnify such Trustees from any personal loss or damage consequent of any breach of same, other than such loss or as they would have to ear in common with other members of the Association.
7. Annual General Meeting to be held the last Saturday in February of each year. The business of the meeting shall include:
To receive and confirm minutes of previous meetings;
To receive the secretarys report on the affairs of the Association;
To receive the Treasurer’s report;
To elect officers and members of the Committee
To elect two auditors for the ensuring year
To appoint Bailiffs
8. Questions arising at all meetings of the Association shall be decided by the majority vote and it shall be the power of the Chairman to take the vote by ballot. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. Only full members to have power of vote at any General Meeting.
9. Extraordinary General Meeting
These can be called by the Committee at any time or on the submission of twenty members in favour and shall be held as soon as possible after 21 days.
10. Finance
The funds of the Association shall be control led by the Committee. All monies due to the Association shall be paid to the Treasurer who shall be responsible for the keeping of proper accounts which shall be made up and submitted in time for the Annual General Meeting and these shall be audited by the two auditors.
11. That no alteration or addition to the above Rules be made except at the Annual General Meeting, and that 14 days notice (in writing) be given of the Secretary of such alteration.
12. Membership of the Derwent Angling Association is open to all members of the public, subject to the Associations rules and regulations.
13. Membership shall be limited to 250 full members and 100 junior members; a junior member shall be regarded as one who has not attained the age of 18 years on 1st April on any current fishing year. Applications for membership must be received in writing by the Membership Secretary, and the Committee have the sole right to approve or disapprove of their application.
14. No person shall be allowed to fish until he/she has paid for and received his/her licence.
15. All membership fees must be paid and licences obtained before 1st May of each year. Any member failing to do so will be deemed to be a non-member.
16. The Committee reserve the right to decide the amount of entrance and membership fees in any season.
17. A permit is only granted upon condition that the holder does not sell either directly or indirectly any fish caught by him/her in the waters of the Association.
18. Each member shall do everything in their power to prevent poaching and shall give information to the Secretary or to any police officer or bailiff against any person there may see fishing in contravention of these rules and the said regulations.
19. All members must keep to the waterside or roadside granted, close all gates, must not trespass on land and if any member be known to break any fences, damage any trees, crops or river banks, taking any dogs, leaving litter, lighting fires, insulting any owner or land owner, in whose vicinity they may be fishing, on being reported to the officers of the Association the committee shall hold a meeting and if in their opinion, they’re found guilty, that person or persons may be expelled forthwith from the Association.
20. All fish measuring less than 10 inches from nose to the fork of the tail shall be returned immediately to the water whether killed or not. Each member must provide themselves with means of measuring their fish.
21. Hyeshope and Horsleyhope Burns and other tributaries and the burns are strictly private fishing waters.
22. Members are requested to be careful to ascertain the boundaries of the water to which their licence applies, fishing in non Association water could lead to the forfeiture of their licence.
23. Licence holders must at all times produce their permit and allow fish in their possession to be examined on demand from any police officer, bailiff, member of the Association, riparian owner or any person so authorised by this Association.
24. No night fishing or night lines allowed or any other means of illegal fishing.
Trout fishing to commence on 22nd March & finish on 30th September, inclusive. Grayling fishing from 16th June to 31st December on all Association water.
26. Hours of angling to be from 6.00am until one hour after sunset. No member is allowed in or on the vicinity of the Association’s water outside of the aforementioned hours.
27. All members must hold a rod licence issued by the Environment Agency and must comply with the regulations of this agency, copies of which can be obtained free of charge from any licence distributor or from the office in Newcastle.
28. Method of Fishing
Only one rod be used at any one time. No spinning at any time. A spinning reel may not be used at any time or for any purpose. A centrepin reel with nylon line cannot be used. Only a fly reel can be used. Worm fishing to begin 1st July til the end of September. Ground baiting and maggot fishing strictly prohibited.
29. Bag Limit, to be one brace of fish in any one day. Members are expected to be fair and limit their take immediately after stocking.
30. If any charge of wilful disregard of these rules and regulations or any unsportsmanlike conduct, damage or interference with any property or lands adjacent to the waters held or leased to this Association is brought against any member, it shall be adjudicated on at the next committee meeting following the date of such a charge and the committee shall be empowered on finding the charge proven, to expel such member from this Association.
31. Derwent Reservoir Agreement.
Any DAA member, wishing to fish the Reservoir, may purchase a concessionary permit only upon production of a current DAA licence. Any member doing so must act in accordance with all rules ®ulations covering the reservoir.
32. The Association has Day Tickets available for sale at the Hamsterley Post Office Ebchester Village Store, Rod & Tackle Cramlington, Derwent Valley Sales, Blackhill and Allensford Caravan Park.
33. The Association hold 4 exchange tickets with Brampton A.A, Willington D.A.C, Barrowford A.A, Richmond & District A.S, Ferryhill & District A.C & Axwell Park & Derwent Valley A.A. The tickets are held by the Secretary . Members can contact the Secretary to obtain these tickets and leave their Derwent Angling Association licence with them till returning the following evening or arranging a later time, if not required by others.
34. All Rainbow Trout must be killed. They can count towards the heaviest fish competition provided the catch was witnessed by another club member & weighed in by the Membership Secretary or the General Secretary.
35. Dissolution - if the group, by a simple majority, decided that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the group it shall call a meeting of the members. At least 21 days notice of the meeting must be given. If the decision to dissolve is confirmed then the Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by or in the name of the group, provided they are used for charitable purposes and for the benefit of a like-minded group in the area.